
With pressures mounting on you at every direction and everyday, you wish that you could just run and hide away from it all. Do you feel that way$%: You also dream that you could just fly off to a remote island and take refuge. Not a bad idea, isn't it$%: You just want to get away from all the pressures of your everyday life.

Take heart, you are not alone; everyone will feel this way from time to time. Sometime, it is really an irony that we want to be in the middle of activity, achievement and perhaps limelight. While other times, we just want to let go everything. Perhaps, we have lost a sense of balance.

Living in this stressful society, you may be giving yourself great pressure and forget how to live and let the river of life moving thought you. With great demand and wanting to achieve, you drive your mind and body up to a point of breakage, whereby both rest and recuperating are necessary. It is good that if you can remember to rest, but for some, forgetting to rest may caused permanent damage to the body, mind and soul. To be in balance, you will need to break away from your turbulent, rushing and hectic daily exercise.

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A very good example to understand why balance is so important is to look at the old grandfather clock. The pendulum must swing both ways at an even distance in each direction if it is to perform properly. If there is any deviation, the whole system will not be able to produce the intended results. Similarly, this applies to your lives as well. If you push yourself too hard without adequate time for rest for your body and the mind, you will be out of balance.

Taking time to rest is a must and not a luxury. You must take time to recharge yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. You will need to be in a state of equilibrium and this can be cultivated by having contact with your inner Self. You do not need to spend a lot of time doing this; you will just need to spend a few minutes of being truly in touch with yourself. And your real Self will restore your strength, courage and peace.

You do not need to run away to a remote mountain to achieve balanced life. If you cannot settle your mind down, even if you are all alone in an island, you will not achieve your inner mental peace.

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While having to go on with your daily life routine, you will think that you do not have time for quiet or meditation. This got to change; you simply have to take time to rest if you want to be a well-adjusted, happy and successful person.

You and your soul are in one, and with patience and discipline, you can learn to keep your mind open so that you can turn away from the pressures of the day to an inner calm within you.

It does not take a great deal of effort to achieve this if you truly want to. To achieve this, you have to simply become still and turn quietly to your Center of Peace, which is yours at the center of your being.

You can truly find the peace you want. You can have all the rest you need right within you. Take heart and take time to rest. There is a Chinese saying, resting is to prepare to embark on a longer journey.

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